How to publish an article?

Dear colleagues!

Academy of the Humanities and Pedagogics (branch) of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta invites you to publish an article in scientific journal “The Humanities”, which is included in RSCI - SCIENCE INDEX (Russian Science Citation Index, license №171-03/2014). The journal is registered in ISSN International Center in Paris (id number of print version: ISSN 2409-5591), acting with the support of UNESCO and the Government of France.

Main sections of journal:

  • Psychology
  • Pedagogics

Working languages of journal – Russian, English

Publication frequency: 4 times a year

How to publish an article?

To submit an article for printing it is necessary to send to e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.  the following documents:
1. The text of an article with all requirements for registration (see sample articles and application below
2. Information about author (-s)

Requirements to the structure of an article:

  1. Text editor – Microsoft Word. Page format – A4. All margins – 20 mm. Times New Roman type, 14-point type. Line space – 1,5. Indentation – 1,25. Texturing – binding, no page numbers, no hyphens and paginal footnotes. Diagrams, tables and images are black and white without colouring. No less than 10 printed pages.
    2. Initials and authors' surname(s) are printed in the right top corner of the page with bold type. The initials are placed before the surname.
    3. Index UDC (left top corner of the page, bold type).
    4. Under the UDC the scientific direction is printed.
    5. The title of the article – in the center, unindented, capital letters.
    6. Summary and key words of an article are printed in English and Russian in the center of the page with bold type. Recommended volume of the summary is 500 printed signs each and no less than 5 key words.
    7. The text in a structured way with a selection of the following elements:
  • Introduction.
  • The wording and purpose of an article tasks.
  • Presentation of the basic material of an article.
  • Conclusion.
  • Literature.
  1. The references are to be given in the square brackets, e.g. [5, c. 35], where the first figure is the ordinal number of the source from the literature list, and the second one is the correspondent page in this source; one source (with a page) separates from another semicolon. All citations are to be ended with the source references.
    9. List of literature is numerated and given in an alphabetic order at the end of the article and is formulated according to ГОСТ 7.1-2003 “System of standards on information, bibliographical and publishing matters. Bibliographical note. Bibliographical description. General rules for executing”.
    10. On separate sheet the information about the author is given:
  • the name of the author (in Russian and English)
  • academic degree, rank (in Russian and English)
  • place of working / studying, position (in Russian and English)
  • home address with zip code, e-mail
  • contact phone number


  1. All scientific articles, received by the editorial office, are subject to mandatory review.
    2. The author presents to the editorial office a manuscript, designed in accordance with the requirements of the articles.
    3. The author's manuscript is sent to the profile of scientific research or on subjects dealt with in the manuscripts of questions for review to members of the Editorial Board for a series of scientific publication, which covers this topic, or experts-scientists and experts in this field (Doctors, PhD).
    4. Reviewers are advised that sent them a manuscript are the private property of the authors and include information not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not permitted to make copies of manuscripts for their needs.
    5. Date of transmission for review in each case determined by the Responsible Secretary of the journal with the creation of conditions for the most rapid publication of the article. Review dates represent 7-10 days.
    6. The manuscript goes bilateral blind review: neither authors nor reviewers do not know each other. Breach of confidentiality is possible only in the case of the unreliability of the reviewer or tampering of the materials described in the manuscript.
    7. The review covered the following issues: a) correspond to the content of the article claimed industry sciences and professions; b) the urgency of the problem; c) has the theoretical and practical significance of the study; d) analysed the current state of knowledge of the problem; e) distinguishes article novelty; f) the author owns the methods of scientific analysis and synthesis; g) justified the results and conclusions, whether the content of the publication; h) available to the reviewer information that any material previously published articles; i) reflects the name of the article content; j) it is recommended that, taking into account the reviewer marked correction of deficiencies or not recommended article for publication in the journal.
    8. Review can be provided upon request, expert advice in HAC RF.
    9. In case of positive reviews, and reviewer's recommendations to be published and manuscript material text reviews shall be considered at a meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal for a series. A positive review was not sufficient to justify the publication of the article. A decision on whether to publish a series of Editorial Board of the journal is taken and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
    10. If the reviewer indicates the need to refine the material, the manuscript is returned to the author. In this case, the date on which the revision is considered a return date modified of the manuscript. Clarification of aspects requiring improvement are made by editors of the magazine based on the reviews.
    11. If the reviewer does not recommend an article for publication, the manuscript review and considered at a meeting of the Editorial Board of the journal for a series, where the editorial board or rejects an article either solves all same allow the material to be published after transferring him to another reviewer on the appeal of one of the members of the editorial board.
    12. In the case of two negative reviews of the manuscript is no longer considered an editorial board.
    13. Editorial Board informs the author of the decision. The author, who is not accepted for publication manuscripts Editorial Board sends a reasoned refusal.
    14. Materials are not returned to the author.
    15. Articles of post-graduate students and competitors are taken and transmitted for review only when supplied with the positive reviews of the supervisor.
    16. Original reviews are stored in the Editorial Board of the series for five years.


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